
Our Affiliate Coach Program is a program that enables a connection between the individual person and their personalized coach.

We offer the flexibility for an individual to have multiple coaches based upon their specific needs for life balance. We work together with our coaches to ensure that there will be support amongst your peers and from our Central SaysLife Team.

By joining our Affiliate Coach Program you will be a part of the movement that’s creating life balance for people; resulting in a positive, healthy and happy environment for us all. Joining this program will be at no cost to the Coach. Send us your contacts information and CV, we will provide you with all the additional details on our program. JOIN US NOW

Coaching FAQs

  • Our Coaches will cover a wide variety of specialties, such as executive and life coaching, business coaching, burnout prevention and correction, relationships and communication, sports management and general wellness, nutrition and diabetes, men’s and women’s health, addictions, anxiety and depression

  • Our Coaches agree to a background check and provide proof of certifications, education and references

  • Our combined Therapist-Coaches will have both minimum training and education in a recognized method and practical experience

  • Our Coaches work online through our SaysLife mobile app and adhere to our online training policies

  • Our Coaches agree to report immediately to authorities if their client or their client’s contacts are in a life-threatening situation

  • Our Coaches agree to our privacy requirements and those of our clients

  • Our Coaches maintain the originating business relationship between SaysLife and their clients

  • Our Coaches can rely upon our internal network for professional advisory to each other